Current Affairs Military Politics

Irish Neutrality Versus The Anti-Islamist Armchair Generals

A bleak headline from a story in the Irish Independent, reporting the words of the Fine Gael minister of justice, Frances Fitzgerald:

“Ireland is also under threat from terror and must prepare, says minister”

Except that is not exactly what she said, as the rest of article makes clear:

“There is no particular information that we are a target. But every democracy is at risk to some degree because it is the very democratic values that, as we saw in Paris, are under attack. The freedom to be out there, the freedom to go to a concert, to a sports event,” she said.”

So in reality the likelihood of violent Islamists staging a terrorist attack on this island nation is somewhere between zero and a little bit more than zero. Or as Fitzgerald’s ministerial colleague, An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, stated a few days ago:

“The situation as far as Ireland is concerned has not changed since the Paris attacks. An incident is possible but not likely.”

However one could be forgiven for thinking otherwise given the anti-Islamist rhetoric fulminating from the inhabitants of Independent House who have apparently branched out from the field of journalism and into the arena of counter-terrorism, brave little troopers that they are. Meanwhile, in the Irish Times:

“Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Minister for Defence Simon Coveney have moved to play down concerns about Irish troops being dispatched to Mali to replace French peacekeepers as a hostage situation continues in the country’s capital.

Mr Kenny said that any request for Irish troops to assist in peacekeeping duties in Mali would come through the United Nations and no request has been received by the Dept of Defence for such assistance to date.

He said that any request would have to be considered by the Cabinet and the Oireachtas in line with the triple lock mechanism governing Irish neutrality.

Mr Coveney also moved to play down concerns regarding sending Irish troops to Mali to replace French troops which may be recalled to assist with security measures in France following the Paris attacks.

“Some people seem to be suggesting that that is somehow us contributing to a war effort which is really nonsense,” said Mr Coveney, adding that Ireland already have a UN peacekeeping presence in Mali and a significant peacekeeping presence in Lebannon.

Mr Coveney stressed the government would not do anything that “compromises Irish neutrality” and any decision would have to go through the triple lock process which requires a UN resolution before being approved by the government and the Oireachtas.”

Which won’t best please the hawks banging the rhetorical war-drums in Talbot Street, as evidenced by resident man-about-town Jody Corcoran (yes, “Jody” can be a boy’s name too):

“…it is evident that the West has become a soft touch, too soft for this denouement in what has been described as the clash of civilisations.

As was evident in Paris last weekend, there is no place for such weakness in the heart of Islamic fundamentalism.

There is no doubt, as the conservative US political scientist Samuel P Huntington has written in the Clash of Civilizations in 1992, that “Islam has bloody borders”.

In fact, conflict along the fault line between the Western and Islamic civilisations has been going on for almost 1,300 years.

According to the Isil playbook, the ingredient of softness is one of the ingredients of failure for any jihadi action.

After decades, indeed centuries, in the ascendancy, the West has become weakened.

The recent era of what we might call wasteful consumption and crass materialism, and the outlay of billions in wars, has caused Islamic fundamentalists to now seize the moment. The old fault line has been breached and Isil has extended the reach of a new one into the heart of Europe.

This clash of civilisations will continue for years to come, a mere blink of an eye in terms of global history. The people of Europe will have to become accustomed to events such as the savagery that occurred in Paris. Authorities in the West will also have to devise greater security to protect their citizens.

Life, as we know it, has been changing for decades – Paris merely represents a landmark in that change.

In a timeline of 1,300 years, we may be approaching a denouement, but there is no certainty an accommodation will be reached, let alone that a softened West will prevail.

For now, though, citizens in liberal democracies such as ours will need to know when asked: which side are you on?”

Let me put it this way. Whatever side the likes of Jody Corcoran is on, I’m on the other! Thankfully more rational analyses can be found elsewhere in the Irish media, albeit in a guest column by Julien Mercille, in that otherwise cesspit of right-wing trolldom, the Journal:

“THERE HAS BEEN a lot of debate about the roots of the Paris terrorist attacks. But the immediate cause is plain to see: it is a response to western and Russian bombing of Syria and Iraq. Stopping military intervention and closing Shannon airport to the US military would thus be good steps to take to reduce the threats we face.”

Exactly so. Though one is left with the impression that there are others out there in conservative Ireland who wish nothing more than to see atrocity visited upon their fellow citizens so that they can beat their breast and bellow: we told you so!

The less-than-reliable Urban Dictionary tells me this:

Jody: In the Marines, a “Jody” is a generalized term meaning: any man who stays home while everyone else goes to war. He gets to enjoy all the things the Marines are missing…”

Need I say more?

47 comments on “Irish Neutrality Versus The Anti-Islamist Armchair Generals

  1. As we benefit from being in the Euro club and we benefit from US multi nationals(and depriving our Euro rivals of tax receipts by having cut-price Corpro tax) we should be as helpful when our allies are under attack. For me personally the attacks on the twin towers and Paris feel like an attack on my tribe(the West).

    That does not mean that I odnt think Western foreign policy is causing a lot of the problems in the middle east but Ireland should be saying loud and clear – if you attack our allies in Paris you attack us – but also telling France and the UK and the US – that their policy is counter-productive.

    In relation to ‘nothing to do with us’ – Northern Ireland – with whom we share a land border is (technically) part of a country(UK) who have bombed Libya, Iraq and destabilised Syria – that means we the Irish (certainly the Northern Irish ) are targets – and I for one like to think of Northern Ireland as part of MY country.


    • Define allies and define helpful? Our “allies” would feed us to the wolves, political, military or economic, if it proved advantageous to do so, and the help we can provide – in any martial sense – is laughable.

      Would it not be better for “Europe’s only colony” to act as an intermediary between the “West” or the EU and those who oppose both, or who are at least sceptical of the West’s motives?

      One of course can feel greater empathy with the people of Paris than of Beirut in relation to attacks by IS simply because of familiarity and a certain degree of culture or geo-political kinship with the former. However do I want to see Irish men and women dying in defence of French or British or American interests in the Middle East? I’m afraid the answer is no. The last time Frenchmen died in defence of Irish interests was 1798!

      The likelihood of attacks by home-grown insurgents in the north-east far surpasses by several orders of magnitude the possibility of attacks by Islamist or other Middle East radicals.

      When the bored princes of the Gulf kingdoms are playing a game of fighting IS while supporting IS, when Saudi Arabia is simply the Islamic State in sovereign form, when the whole thing reeks of hypocrisy and cant, Ireland should be at the forefront of those grabbing the reins and shouting “Whoa!”.

      Yes, absolutely something must be done about IS. I’ve said so myself. If Ireland is required at a UN level, then we should be there. But as part of NATO or crypto-NATO European common security alliance? No again.


      • john cronin

        “The last time Frenchmen died in defence of Irish interests was 1798!”

        No Frenchman ever died in Irish interests. They died in French interests. Hoche had just come from massacring 150,000 of his own people in the Vendee. the Frogs did not send an expedition to Ireland out of love for the Irish:the Paddies were just a pawn in their bid for world domination. If French Revolutionary forces had defeated the British garrison, the first thing they would have done was massacre every priest in the country, and anyone who tried to practice his faith.


        • I’m no particular fan of the French Revolution but you provide no evidence whatsoever to back up your utterly outlandish statement that the first thing would the French would have done was massacre every priest in the country. And by the way the idea, implicit in your comment, that the French were intent on world domination, but the Brits were not, is utterly absurd. British Whig agents had been seeking to undermine France for many years before the revolution. Indeed the French Revolution was initially sponsored by the English – they only changed tack when it began to spin out of their control. Their desired outcome was an Anglophile bourgeois liberal Protestant revolution that would take down the Catholic monarchy in France – not the radical left-wing affair that transpired. Even Andrew Roberts, about as Whiggish and Anglo-supremacist an historian as you’ll get, admits that Napoleon had every reason to be paranoid about British intentions towards France.


  2. Pretending we have a ‘separate’ foreign policy from countries we are economically dependent upon doesnt wash.

    Does anybody doubt that if SF – (a left wing party? )- supporting low corpo tax – gets into power and they are told to choose between US multinationals in Ireland or US troops going through Shannon what the answer will be?

    Western policy is wrong but he who pays the piper etc and we will comply when it comes to it because our economic prosperity is tied to the West.

    We should make it clear that we support action against ISIS in principle but are not prepared to get involved until Western policy is driven by consideration for the people of the region – first and foremost.

    Whether we make a stand on principle if the US (or the EU) needs logistic support (e.g. Shannon)for military action and we are prepared to sacrifice economic prosperity for that principle – is I’m afraid very unlikely as the plain people of Ireland and the politicians they elect know fully well what side their bread is buttered on.


    • Shannon as a transit hub for foreign military personnel is clearly a violation of our neutrality, a policy which the likes of FG, Labour and to a lesser extent FF, along with much of the press, have been deliberately undermining for decades. If the choice is between the principles which have kept the greater part of our nation and our people safe for the last several decades and joining a military alliance of dubious composition, strategy and tactics, I’d rather the former. Even if that risks FDI. Bread and butter on the table is not much use when the foundations of the house are trembling to the sound of detonating bombs.

      Action against ISIS must come at a UN level, Irish troops may play a peace-keeping role (not, note, a peace-making role), but some are suggesting further than that.

      ISIS/ISIL are an Islamic Khmer Rouge and need to be brought to heel but not by playing a game dictated by the Saudis, etc., and certainly not from a position of ahistorical hysteria, as we have seen in the press in recent days.

      Whatever the moronic likes of Jody Corcoran or Niall Ferguson may claim ISIS/ISIL does not present an existential threat to Europe or the European Union. It simply doesn’t.

      I get where your coming from, even on the level of Realpolitik, but there are some principles that exist for a good reason. Neutrality is one of them.


    • Taki’s Magazine = “…called “Takimag” for short, is an online magazine of “politics and culture” published by the Greek paleoconservative journalist and socialite Taki Theodoracopulos and edited by his daughter Mandolyna Theodoracopulos. Founded on February 5, 2007, the intent of the site, according to Theodoracopulos, was to “shake up the stodgy world of so-called ‘conservative’ opinion…” The website garnered some controversy in 2013 after it published articles in support of the Greek Ultranationalist political party Golden Dawn.”

      Ditto on the other links, all are from right-wing, Islamophobic, etc. websites, blogs, and so on.


    • The crushing of the Vendee doesn’t in any way back up your assertion. The Vendee was an armed counter-revolution against the new French regime. Furthermore Napoleon was not a rabid anti-clericalist in the way the early Jacobins were – he was comparatively benignly disposed towards the Catholic Church (albeit very much on his terms) – certainly much more benignly disposed than most rulers of England had been since the Reformation. He conquered large swathes of Europe, and yet no mass culling of clergy ensued.


      • john cronin

        es, but Napoleon was not in chage at the time or Wolfe Tone’s expedition.


  3. Sionn,

    Dismissing articles because they come from a source ideologically opposed to your own (or mine) as ‘right wing’ is as valid as someone dismissing this blog or the boul Corbers as left wing.

    The ‘oh-its-the-Daily-Mail’ or ‘oh-its-the-indo’ therefore-its-crap does not advance any debate.


    • If that’s in reference to John’s links, I elaborated on the source of the links for those who would be unfamiliar with the right-leaning media or blogosphere. I’m not dismissing them, simply contextualising them. That said, I strongly disagree with most of the arguments on those websites while accepting that there does appear to be something peculiar going on in Britain with people from certain Islamic backgrounds and certain countries in relation to offences against women and girls (something I’ve conceded to John before, I think).

      I should add, yes, something is funny as well in the refusal of certain liberal/left media in at least examine the problem. If such a problem does indeed exist.

      I should point out that a comment with multiple links gets condemned to moderation hell until approved by me, which I was happy to do. I rarely censor or block comments here, except when people are personally named or targeted, etc.

      On the other hand, if that was about my dismissal of Ferguson in the link to critical article, no, I stand over that! 😉

      Many people dismiss this blog. Me included!


    • john cronin

      Precisely. The problem is that the mainstream meeja are too cowardly to mention any of this stuff, so it is left to those outlets which the Sionnach might find ideologically offensive to actually cover them.


      • The mainstream “meeja” aren’t too cowardly to mention Islamic Jihadism – they never shut up about it. What they’re too cowardly to mention is the role of countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Britain, France and the US in sponsoring such Jihadism. This role has been admitted publicly even by former senior figures in NATO and the US military.


  4. Sionn,

    i was referring to the point above – Peter Hitchens from the dreaded Daily Mail absolutely nails the Syrian intervention below. Nit sure exact point in this – all worth listening to – especially when the chap from the audience takes him to task.


  5. here’s a little something about the jihadists’ attitude to women


  6. john cronin

    Since 1922, Ireland has congratulated itself on it’s neutrality: which is rather like the ugliest chick in the village congratulating herself on her virginity. Protestations of neutrality would have been little use if Adolf had decided to invade. Since 1922, far far more Irishmen have served in the UK armed forces than in the Irish Defence Forces. The last time the Russkis invaded irish airpace, they had to ask the RAF nicely to intercept em.

    Neutrality means we sit on the fence, protected by America and the RAF in case of war, consuming a free lunch as far as foreign policy is concerned. Do we really believe that this kind of politically sluttish behaviour does not, at some level, diminish our sense of reality and damage our self respect?”
    – Eoghan Harris, “Sunday Independent”

    We are in no military pacts, therefore we are uniquely virtuous. Similarly, we are a nuclear-free country, na na na na naa. Meanwhile, our airspace is protected by the Anglo-Americans, and our future electricity shortfalls will be made good from the nuclear-powered grid of the UK.
    – Kevin Myers, “The Irish Independent”

    There was never any attempt to create an army that could defend the new state’s borders against a foreign enemy. In case of invasion, it became the official policy to invite in another invader to repel the first one: Belgium’s abominable fate in 1914-18 became the grotesque template for our defence policy. To add a pious gloss to this military weakness, we call an utter inability to defend ourselves “neutrality”. These are uniquely bizarre and contradictory definitions of independence; but they have been hard-wired into the perception of ourselves.
    – Kevin Myers, on Free State Ireland, “The Irish Independent”

    There are many things we did not do during the Tiger years, but apart from our failures to radically improve our primary schools, the worst was that we did not make ourselves into a militarily grown-up nation. A true republic does its best to guard its skies, to mind its seas and to patrol its borders. It gives its soldiers, airmen and sailors the equipment which makes them members of modern defence forces, and not of a well-equipped gendarmerie… In other words, we should have created an army and air corps which can use violence to further our national interest. But of course, even to say that is to risk the wrath of that extraordinarily powerful constituency in Irish life, which lives in a permanent kindergarten of neutralism, piety, pacifism and victimhood… It is not especially heroic to bawl some maudlin ballad about The Carrickmacross Six, or prate in Dail Eireann about the evils of US foreign policy, or picket a multinational company and prevent it from doing its lawful business. No. Our true national heroes never say anything in public. They are too busy in the Glen of Imaal, training for combat.
    – Kevin Myers, “Moral Leprechauns”, “The Irish Ind.” (May’09)

    Gardaí who searched airplanes accused of being used for CIA rendition flights only found racehorses and golfers onboard, the Dáil heard today. Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern told the Dáil that the garda probed six separate allegations relating to aircraft refuelling at Shannon Airport, but found no evidence of wrongdoing in each case. Greens TD John Gormley called for a parliamentary investigation into claims that shackled terrorist suspects are being transported through Irish airspace en route to secret interrogation camps elsewhere.
    – From “”

    “The [Irish] anti-war movement [is] not a peace movement but a strident anti-American one… Rather than an organisation which wishes to see the peaceful resolution of conflicts around the world through discussion and compromise, it is a collection of misty-eyed old Soviet Union sympathisers who have now befriended Islamic fundamentalists.”
    – Alan Shatter, after the anti-war movement invite a Hizbollah member to attend a meeting


    • Old men wanting young men to go off and do the dying to protect the interests of other old men. Harris and Myers are utter hypocrites, armchair military fantasists obsessed with the “right” kind of violence. Not Irish against British, obviously. Irish on behalf of the British? Oh yes, most certainly and with feckin’ gusto!


      • Let’s not forget that Harris proudly described himself as a Stalinist until the late 1980s, and slavishly championed the Soviet Union, North Korea, and Ceausescu’s Romania. When the wheels came off the hard left bandwagon in the 1980s he quickly jumped on another one – Neoconservative military interventionism. So Shatter’s diatribe is the exact reverse of the truth. The “chickenhawk” pro-war zealots in the Irish media are in general the folk who were most misty-eyed about the Soviet Union. The Sunday Indo is full of hacks with personal or family connections to the Soviet supporting Workers Party/OIRA. Psychologically they appear to gravitate towards the side they think is most ruthless – in the 1970s that was the Soviets – now it’s the Anglo-American alliance, and the state of Israel.


    • An unfortunate choice of words from Harris. If ever any writer merited the term “political slut” it is surely he: Catholic nationalist republican in the mid 1960s; anti-Catholic anti-nationalist rabidly anti-American Marxist-Leninist in the 1970s and 1980s; ardent Neo-conservative in the 1990s and beyond. To paraphrase Clive Anderson’s question to Jeffrey Archer: is there no beginning to his political convictions?


      • john cronin

        Fair enuf, but does that make you disagree with the points he has made?


        • I’d take Harris’s points much more seriously if he and his Sindo Neo-con cohorts condemned the mass immigration to Ireland of the last 20 years (mass immigration that his friends in the loyalist paramilitaries have been heavily involve in facilitating). There’s a huge contradiction at the heart of Neocon rhetoric – on the one hand they insist the nasty Muslims are coming to get us all – on the other they ardently support mass Muslim immigration to the west. For the record I think the vast majority of Muslims have no involvement in Jihadism, but mass immigration inevitably undermines the cultural cohesion and respect for law in any society. When much of that immigration is illegal and the state and the media turn a blind eye to it (as is the case in modern Ireland) – you have a recipe for institutionalised criminality at the heart of society. For instance, Michael McDowell, when he was Minister for Justice, said that mass immigration was the root cause of the huge increase in the availability of fire-arms in the Republic in the noughties.

          Then of course there’s the various western revolutionary military interventions Harris and the Sindo have hysterically (not too strong a word) supported – starting with the NATO Clinton/Blair pro-Islam intervention in Serbia in the late 1990s, and moving on the violent overthrow of non-Islamist regimes in Iraq and Libya, and the ongoing attempt to overthrow the non-Islamist Assad.


          • Sorry, the comments here titled “Northsider” – in response to John Cronin – are actually from me “Colm J”. “Northsider” ( my username for various sites) came up automatically in the “Name required” section, and I absentmindedly neglected to change it.


  7. Turkey, ally of the west and member of that NATO gang attacks a Russian fighter pilot. Cue western condemnation of Russia by the usual cowboy western countries. Anyone would think turkey didn’t want Russia to bloody the manic jihadis? And yet the west utters numerous statements alledging their determination to fight ISIS. Reminds me of a time when British politicians used to utter similar statements declaring their resolve to combat unionist terrorists here in Ireland. And we all know who pushed their buttons and pulled their strings now don’t we?
    Any fool in Ireland who compromises Ireland’s neutrality is simply that, a fool. 20 years ago an irish person could go anywhere in the world and be relatively safe. Alas thanks to gombeen west Brits they have managed to chip away at our neutrality by licking the boots of Britain via the U.S.


    • That “NATO gang” is the only thing that protects my parent’s home from being raided and my mother from being raped by Russian “liberators”. We still remember what they did in 1940.


  8. Ireland is a member of the EU and Eurozone. It’s economy also is very dependent on the EU (the UK in particular) and the USA – lots of their multinational companies operate here. They also assist the US’ military by allowing them to refuel here.

    IS terrorists don’t give a shit about some fake declarations of “neutrality”. They look at what Ireland is actually doing and the things that I mentioned before makes Ireland an ally of “the West” (EU/NATO/USA) and therefore a valid target of IS attacks.

    Ireland’s so-called “neutrality” policy is a bad joke. Latvia at least is honest and doesn’t pretend to be “neutral”, but openly supports the USA and is a member of NATO.


    • john cronin

      Could not have put it better myself. The hypocrisy and self righteousness of the Irish Left re this is just mind blowingly amusing. As I said above, the RAF had to be begged to escort Putin’s lads away from the Republic. After the Air India disaster in 85, it was not the Irish Air Corps who brought the bodies ashore in Cork. (Incidentally, why didn’t the local Provos shoot down some of the RAF choppers? One assumes they woulda been regarded as legit targets.) The Republic’s security, like its economy, is totally reliant on the US and UK.


      • john cronin

        Sweden and Switzerland are also small neutral countries. Unlike Ireland however, they have the means: and the will – to protect themselves.


      • “The Republic’s security, like its economy, is totally reliant on the US and UK.”

        There are about 200,000 jobs in the USA which are created by Irish firms in the US of A
        As opposed to 150,000 jobs in Ireland created by US companies.
        6% of Brit exports go to Ireland
        More than go to Brazil..China ( World’s second largest economy ) and India Put together.
        Of those 6%; that Ireland imports most are low end easily substituted goods.
        In contrast Ireland exports to the Uk mostly high end inelastic goods.
        i.e goods that are not easily sourced elsewhere.

        So John I’m afraid the UK is not as vital as you think. Ireland could easily stop importing that 6% if it chose to do so.
        And “Air India” and “RAF Choppers”
        They would have been American designed and patented Sirosky Helicopters.
        And the RAF Search a Rescue has been privatised.
        So no Need for an IRA..
        The Brits destroy themselves. All on their lonesome.


      • Are these the same powerful UK forces that got driven out of Basra by a rag tag militia in Basra and were likewise humiliated in Helmand by the Taliban? Thanks all the same, but I think I’d prefer to be “reliant” on the Ruskies. And by the way this “Irish left” drivel is absurdly transparent. The “Irish left” is dominated by Anglophile armchair warriors of exactly your type. In fact what’s really striking about the Irish left is how very slavish it was towards the Britain and the Soviets in the 1970s and 1980s, and how slavish it now is towards Britain and the US. The common thread always seems to be Anglophilia for some reason. This might help explain why the Official IRA/Workers Party enjoyed, by their own admission (see “The Lost Revolution”, such a cosy relationship with the British state and British security services, and how these self-consciously Stalinist class warriors always found such willing employers in Sir Anthony O’Reilly and Rupert Murdoch.


  9. ar an sliabh

    Irish neutrality is and always has been a tough stance and a complicated political dance, similar to other small neutral countries. It’s not like we have billions to spend on a fully functional military. We can’t even afford enough Gardai to protect our countryside from its own villains. We sometimes have to bend in the wind to not break. So far, with some minor bruising, we have maintained as best we could. As for our involvement in this conflict it would behoove us to only act within a UN mandate. Not just us, everyone involved. This would have prevented many of the issues such as the Russian jet being shot down. This faction-based approach is definitively not working and is wholly ineffective in addressing IS, especially if a world war breaks out over Western countries shooting at each other to get there. Our neutrality has done much indeed in keeping us safe abroad in the past, but this is a different time. It is not a struggle for the power of self-determination and a homeland, as it has been in the past and which we understood well. It is a holistic declaration of war against everything non-IS ideology (ISm? – pardon the pun), including proper Muslims. They are clearly fascist very similar to Hitler’s Nazis (even in terms of the bastardisation of a religion), and this is victory or bust (Goetterdaemmerung) for them. We are on their hit-list along with everyone else. We have better get used to it.


    • john cronin

      Exactly. Isis are coming for you, same as everyone else in Europe. Unless we follow the example of Ferdinand and Isabella. Or a more recent example perhaps…


      • John, are you suggesting that we should expel the “Muslim” population of Europe, however much one might struggle to define such a thing, from the EU?


        • We should finally start to enforce our hate speech laws properly. Koran is filled with hate speech and radical muslims are using it to justify their actions.

          I’ve never understood why lefties like to defend that religion so much. Islam is not liberal – it’s very very very conservative. So conservative that they still consider that it’s ok to chop infidels’ heads off and stone rape victims.

          The same applies to the right wing imperialistic mafia state Russia – “anti-imperialistic” (read – anti-american) lefties also like to defend it very much – like Wolfe Tone in this very blog.


          • What about the hate speech you spew out so regularly Mr “Latvian”?


          • I am glad you are paying so much attention Janice.
            I am sorry but I will challenge imperialist attitudes whether they be American or indeed Russian. If my comments appear to be pro Russian then so be it but I make no apologies for raising an eyebrow when I hear British supremacist politicians lamenting other countries about human rights etc. I suppose it’s a bit like you when you hear Russia talking nice and human righty? I suppose just like you I find it laughable British ministers pretending they give a damn about any people’s in other lands when they don’t even care about their own people. The filth that run the deep state in Britain would rape your kids and put down the elderly given half a chance.
            P.s I sincerely hope Irish people see through the hysteria of ISIS and realise they are a gift for the likes of Britain etc. In fact if there indeed happens to be any ‘Isis attacks’ in the UK or Ireland then I wouldn’t be blaming Muslims but rather GCHQ in Cheltenham. After all they never went away you know. Dublin/Monaghan bombings anyone? What a mighty web they weave when they practice to deceive.


        • john cronin

          What’s your alternative?


          • I know this is out of tune with the leftish tone of this blog, but I think a start could be made by enforcing our border controls. Everyone involved in immigration and asylum processing knows we have a de facto open borders/airports/ports policy. Indeed everyone who walks down O’Connell Street should know this. According to the UN we are the country that facilitates illegal people trafficking more than any other IN THE WORLD. Yet this huge scandal of organised criminality is never even mentioned by our supine presstitute media. That’s the same presstitutes who work themselves into a completely choreographed tizzy of phoney outrage over inconsequential “scandals” relating to TD’s expenses or whatever.

            After we’d secured our borders we could then move on to deporting all illegal migrants – or at the very least remove all welfare entitlements, including medical, housing and educational provisions, from them. At a rough guess I’d say 95 per cent of our illegals would be gone within three months if this was done. And if anyone brings up Irish illegals in the U.S,, I’d say the Americans are perfectly within their rights to deport them as well. A country’s first duty is to those whose families have lived there and contributed to it for generations. Anyone with a sense of natural justice should recognise this, but the modern PC mind cops make us all fearful of saying it.


        • john cronin

          Well you tell me what the game plan is.


        • john cronin

          Are you suggesting that the entire Moslem population of the planet should be allowed to move to the EU?


        • john cronin

          Well what is your suggestion?


  10. Isis have enough bother coming for the next town over in the barren desert they call a state. I wouldn’t put the kettle on for them yet John.
    As Ar an Sliabh says being neutral is very complicated and sometimes we fall off the highest standards. It’s up to the electorate to respond to it when we do and vote accordingly. I think the Shannon furore definitely helped to put a bit more iron in the left wing parites here so I doubt any government would blithely go along with any similar carry-on again.
    Personally I’d like a lot more spent on fisheries protection and on aircraft but I’d be happy enough to leave the rest as is. I don’t think tooling ourselves up to be the 172nd most effective armed service in the world is going to mean much to the powers that matter anyway.


  11. The British are hugely reliant on exports to Ireland – as even David Cameron has acknowledged at Prime Ministers Questions in the House of Commons. If the Irish people stopped buying British products the British economy would collapse overnight. All this “we depend on the Brits” is just more transparent Sindo-esque disinfo.


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